Tag Archives: recurring dreams

Treatment for Nightmares

A recent NPR story about an experimental treatment for recurring nightmares offers an interesting look at one way help can be found in unexpected places. In this case it’s a drug that was initially introduced as treatment for high blood pressure. I’m fascinated with how the medical community can find the link between these two disparate maladies. Here’s the article http://tinyurl.com/6mwfugb

In my workshops I encourage the close exploration of the elements of recurring dreams. There’s a reason they get stuck in our heads and drawing them out through writing can be both frightening and liberating. If you can flush them out with an inexpensive drug therapy, so much the better. The important thing, though, is to get them out in some way.

If you have recurring dreams, talk about them, write about them, do something to prevent them from controlling your life.